Frequently Asked Questions


Play with color, light, texture. When you cross a threshold, there is always the possibility for transformation.

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Can I hire HSD for input with home decor?

Absolutely! We practice within the framework that all spaces can be therapeutic. Your home is your nest and therefore one of the most important settings. We’re here to help, whether you want a zen meditation vibe that subdues sensory input or perhaps an energizing space that invites family togetherness. Consider any of our consultation packages as you dream up how your home could look and feel!

Can I hire HSD if I want to design an apartment I’m renting?

Let us remove any barriers to your dream scheme! Being a tenant doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice your vision. We’ve got solutions!

Can I invite my colleagues to be part of the consult?

Yes! Especially if we’re working on a shared space! We want to ensure that the vision suits the function and use. We love collaboration!

Do you have contractors that could help us with build-outs?

While we do have partnerships with contractors in San Diego, their availability doesn’t always align with our project timelines. Thus, we embrace creating new partnerships! If you’re opting for the Ultimate Dialogue package, we’ll be happy to support the process of finding the right provider and articulating your construction needs.

What if I’m unsure of my budget?

Let’s start with a free consultation! From there, you can decide how to move forward and we’ll work with you to make it fit your wallet and lifestyle needs.